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SBB graduation and Nagles' Relocating to Oaxaca

Dearest Friends, Family and Supporters,

Short-term mission trip to Vizcaino in May

There was not enough room in our previous newsletter to include the Vizcaino, Baja Sur short-term missionary trip that SBB undergrads took during the same dates that the graduating students went to Oaxaca in May. Dwight Hires and Pastor Julio Wido Jr. led this team. They worked on completing bathrooms, showers, and other projects at the Vizcaino church facility and parsonage, youth events, children's events and door to door evangelism. The team gifted the church with a children's play set. They returned home very excited and fulfilled.

GRADUATIONS: June has also been a very busy month. I (Ilene) landed in Tijuana June 3, returning from Oaxaca, to cross the pedestrian bridge and met Don on the U.S. side of the border. We flew the next day to Oregon to celebrate Ashlynn's graduation from High School June 8th (daughter of our daughter Laurie and son-in-law Mark Mushlitz). Ashylnn will be attending NNU in Idaho where her brother Jonah is entering his junior year.

Nagle family reunion at Ashylynn's graduation 2019

Our other grandchildren: Jessica and Kevin Multop's children: Kilen Multop, graduated fron NNU three years ago and is an entrepreneur in creating software for businesses and lives in Idaho; Dillon Multop is entering junior high school in the fall in Baker City, Oregon where his family has recently located; Josh and Becky's children: Noah Nagle is entering his final year at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO; Titus Nagle is entering his senior year in Bend and planning to attend BIOLA University the following fall. We are so blessed with grandchildren who love Jesus.

Don had been in San Diego during the last week I was in Oaxaca, celebrating the GRADUATION of our nephew Matt Paschall who received his doctorate degree and his wife Nicki who received her master's degree. Matt and Nicki are missionaries in Europe. Don was part of a family reunion on his side of the family.

pic 1 Matt & Don, pic 2 Matt & Nicki, pic 3 Don and his sister Patty Labbe


It is a wonderful day and also a sad day. Each year we say 'see you later' to dear friends who have been with us for 3 years. We rejoice with them on their accomplishments.

Left to right, Esteban, Severo, Rocio 2019

Nagles' relocating to Mitla, Oaxaca!

For some time (perhaps one year) we have felt a restlessness that comes when we know the Lord has a new direction for us. We have seen that the major part of our goals here in Papalote have been met. We sensed a real need in Oaxaca for the presence of a Seminary to prepare men and women for ministry. Pastor Diego and Pastor Ramon are in agreement, that the time is now.

The Lord opened doors in miraculous ways to confirm His plan for us. We are both filled with peace and joy.

There are men and women in both Chapultepec and Mitla who have voiced their desire to begin preparing at Seminario Bíblico Oaxaca, in an extension of Seminario Bíblico Baja in Papalote. Materials will be delivered to the students who have one month to complete reading and homework. Then professors will come for 2-3 days to spend time with them and complete the course. This is the initial idea, but we know that there will be improvements as time goes on.

Finding a home to rent long-term in Mitla can be challenging but God gave us a new home to rent from a Christian couple in Diego's church who is thrilled to rent this home as a Ministry House. The Lord handed us the house before we asked. We are thrilled and know we have much ahead but we have a God who is preparing our way, and we cannot wait for what lies ahead. We have three bedrooms... (:

pic 1 - gated entry, pic 2 patio/garage, pic 3 entry, pic 4 kitchen, pic 5 Franco & Petra our landlords, pic 6 our first purchase... table/chairs for $50.

Dwight Hires will direct the ministry in Baja for NLM. Sarah will be the treasurer responsible for receiving and distributing funds et. Dr. Don will continue as Administrator of NLM. Don will also be working with development of facilities and bringing teams to Oaxaca. We will have internet and WIFI in Mitla. Mitla is 1.5 hrs. from the airport in Oaxaca. Driving from Papalote to the border generally takes 7 to 8 hours. Flying from Oaxaca to Tijuana takes 3.5 hours.

Our Plans (Lord willing)...

- Leave Papalote for the US the end of July and visit supporters and churches as possible

- NLM annual board meeting in September

- To Mitla in September

- January, we return for a month to Papalote where Don and I will be teaching courses at SBB

- January is the month we plan to begin the first course of SBO. I will deliver the first course before January, and return from Papalote to be with students the end of the month to complete their class.

Dwight Hires has already designed a new ministry house on the Oasis property. I saw students already digging a hole there to put a water tank. Dwight moves quickly! When complete we will stay there when we return for classes and other important events. Meanwhile, we do have a place to stay. Our home in Papalote sold, but we have some months to move our things. We will know more in July.


- Pray us and all participating in this transition, that all will flow smoothly

- We have to furnish the rental and purchase a vehicle. We thought we had a car, but the buyer changed his mind.

- That the preparation of courses, students and professors for SBO will go smoothly

- For continued good health and strength.

- For anticipated development project for the Mitla church, Koininea

- For Dwight and Sarah Hires in their expanded roles

- We need to find a home for our little dog Taki. He is getting older and doesn't travel as well anymore. It will be hard for us to be without him too.

Here is our life verse chosen when we were first married (June 6, 2020 will be 50 years): YEH!

Ephesians 5:15-17

15 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.

We love you all very much.

En su Servicio,

Ilene and Don

1 Comment

Gaye Miller
Jun 24, 2019

I love hearing about how the Lord is using you to grow His Kingdom. You are like crown jewels to the Lord❣

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Peggy Keesecker
Finance Director


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