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NLM Ministries Retreat 2024

In November 2024, NLM had an event that has never happened before in their history! All missionary staff gathered for a retreat which also included the entire NLM board plus a couple of guests. The Ochoco Christian Conference Center near Prineville, Oregon, was our gracious host.  This was a great time of team building and welcoming our newest missionaries, Kirk and Lisa Bokenkamp and family. 

Laughter, conversation, competition, biblical discussion and prayer filled the air for five days.  Dale took the boys on a hike and agate discovery; Carol led the children in crafts; Dwight challenged all to funny games.  And we all ate too much as the women prepared incredible meals.  A major focus was exploring better ways to minister to our Mexican brothers and sisters in reaching the lost of Mexico.

The NLM Board arrived for the final evening to increase connectedness with the staff.  The next day was a most productive board meeting with two persons visiting to observe possible future board participation. 

We are truly blessed to have a warm friendship among our ministry team and the mutual admiration with the board and staff.

Short Story Behind the Birds Embroidery

by Sarah Hires

This is an example of the stitching (often called weaving) that is done by the Méxican women. They make these beautiful designs - animals, fruit, and flowers on cloth that is used to wrap warm tortillas. They call them servilletas (surviettas) and are given as gifts. The saying is "You can always use another servilletta." I have seen clothes lines with as many as 20 on at a time. So beautiful. My friends taught me the art about 12 years ago and I have made nearly 100 of them - all to give away. All the missionary women received a servilleta at the retreat!



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Peggy Keesecker
Finance Director


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Rickreall, OR 97371

501 (c) 3 Non-Profit # 93-1268692

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