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NLM Newsletter June 2019: Month of May Beat All Records!

Dear NLM and Nagle Prayer Warriors,

The month of May 2019 beat all records of the past! Wish there were more days in one month. Seems like before we blink another month has passed. May whizzed by and now we are in June. Here are some of the May highlights:

PART 1 - May 15th Visit to Chapultepec Chalcatongo, Oaxaca:

Pastor Ramon, Brandon, and I (Ilene) went to Oaxaca to visit and encourage the mission churches of Oaxaca. We were very blessed.

Pastor Ramon, Ilene and Brandon

Visit to Chapultepec Chalcatongo, Oaxaca:


We were present for the baptism of Raquel in a beautiful forest with a spring flowing from a cave higher in the mountain.

Raquel and husband Faustino accepted Christ about one year ago. Faustino was baptized months ago. She completed baptismal class on Sunday and wanted to be baptized right then. So we went. It was a wonderful day! The following video was shown to the church that evening.

Answered Prayer!

Florentina accepted Christ as her Savior during the first year Pastor Senen and Berna returned to Chapultepec. Flori repented of her harsh and loveless mothering and for years prayed for restoration with her 3 children.

Last year, the Lord led Flori to find her daughter in Ensenada. She is a believer along with all of her family. Three months ago the entire family left Ensenada to live with Flori in a cabin a few yards from Senen and Bernadita's home. I have never seen Flori so happy. She beams with joy. She continues to pray for restoration with her other two sons.

Florentina's with her daughter's family who love the church.

Planting of the Upper Milpas

We arrived during the first strong rain of the season, opening the door for planting milpas (cornfields) in the upper fields. Six corn seeds in each hole, one small adult step apart. Brandon was delighted to participate and now everyone is waiting to see "if Brandon's seeds grow". The toro master was thrilled to teach him to drive the toros. Brandon was a big hit.

We have to feed the workers well. Pozole (organic hominy and chicken with hot salsa) served with fresh handmade tortillas and soda... the best!

Now with lunch settled in stomachs... off to weed Senen's milpa that was planted weeks ago and watered from the river. A new toro master this time...

The Ruiz family (Pastor Senen and Bernardita May 2019)

My Sara (15 years old) and Salmai (13 years old) and Berna's father who lives with the family.

Visit to dear friend, Felicita, in San Pablo

Felicita is 84 years old. Her husband Juan died several years ago and is with Jesus. She awaits a visit from her only daughter in October. She has not seen her daughter for 30 years. Her daughter lives in Ramona, California and has promised for many years to come for a visit. Please pray that the daughter will visit this time.

PART 2 May 25 - June 3 Team (graduates of SBB) in Oaxaca (Pastor Javier was leading and Ilene was mentoring):

16 People baptized - the church of Mitla, Koininia

The first Sunday our team arrived, the Koininea Church had a baptismal at a pool near Mitla. Around 110 people were in attendance and 4 families had a number of members baptized together. . It was very moving. Pastor Javier spoke afterwards.

XaagĆ” (zaa, gah), Oaxaca

The community of XaagĆ” is around 1500 people. There are around 9 family names and most have been born and raised there. A limited water supply and no internet services. Information spreads rapidly through family members. The Seventh Day Adventist church has been a strong influence for a number of years. Last winter, Pastor Diego led a family to Christ and a group has been meeting in Romeo's home ever since.

Our Team

Brandon, Pastor Javier and Isabel, myself, Evi and Esteban, Rosio and Severo

XaagĆ” Events

The week of social services and children's outreach has long been on Pastor Diego's mind. Mornings were dedicated to social services, all Christians giving of their time and talents. Dentists, an optician, hair cutting services, doctors, nursing services, and talks on violence and additions by professional groups. Afternoons from 2-6 pm were dedicated to children. The children responded with enthusiasm and politeness to Bible lessons, handcrafts, games, food, puppets and dramas. A total of 50 children of 82 registered children received Christ as their Savior. Four women also gave their hearts to the Lord.

This hanging tarp (lona) painted theme was made f or us by Pastor Julio Wido Sr. in Ensenada. Thank you Brother!

The Mitla church, Koininea, has now rented a home in XaagĆ” as Romeo's home no longer accommodates those attending Bible studies and prayer meetings. The church has dedicated themselves in followup of these children and families.

New meeting home in XaagĆ”

Pastor Javier prepared a devotional series on "What Identifies One as a Disciple of Christ?" It is very powerful. This portion of scripture means a lot to me...

Luke 14 The Message

25-27 One day when large groups of people were walking along with him, Jesus turned and told them, ā€œAnyone who comes to me but refuses to let go of father, mother, spouse, children, brothers, sistersā€”yes, even oneā€™s own self!ā€”canā€™t be my disciple. Anyone who wonā€™t shoulder his own cross and follow behind me canā€™t be my disciple. ...

33 ā€œSimply put, if youā€™re not willing to take what is dearest to you, whether plans or people, and kiss it good-bye, you canā€™t be my disciple. 34 ā€œSalt is excellent. But if the salt goes flat, itā€™s useless, good for nothing. ā€œAre you listening to this? Really listening?ā€


1. Please pray for those in Xaaga that had a "seed" planted in their souls, the gospel of hope and freedom.

2. Pray for our SBB graduates as they seek the path of service (some as interns) that God has chosen for them.

3. Please pray that the Lord will prepare more laborers for the fields that are ripe with harvest. The need is real, the need is now. We thank the Lord for what He is already doing.

4. A young child here in Papalote has large tonsils and adenoids to the point where she has difficulty breathing. She can no longer breathe through her nose and her tonsils are nearly touching each other and they are not infected. At night she has periods of apnea that cause anxiety to her parents. She needs to be evaluated for surgery. Please pray that the Lord will provide a surgeon who is capable.


Que Dios les bendiga. (May God bless you)

DiscĆ­pulos de Jesus (Disciples of Jesus)

Ilene and Don

P.S. We are sending a second newsletter soon!


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