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NLM Newsletter: February 2019

The New Year is Off and Running!

Dear Prayer Warriors and Supporters,

Don and I are well and very content. We sense a fresh vigor and vision for the expanding work of the ministries of NLM. Will try to share the last month and a half briefly:

December 2018

Mid-December we returned to Oregon to begin the process for a 3rd prosthesis. Spent time with family at Christmas and it was wonderful. We are blessed to have a loving family.

January 2019


We are looking forward to an exciting 2019 and future in the Lords work here in Mexico.

• Don received his fancy-dancy 3rd prosthesis on January 3rd. A hunter camouflage pattern. Looks great and he can nearly run now. No pain, improving balance, and improving endurance. PTL!

• Our whole staff returned to Papalote in January and we are all on the fast-track to meet scheduled teams and couples coming to Papalote this month… and one team arrived this week!

• Don and I, with Dwight and Sarah Hires, were so blessed to be invited to the Soldotna Bible Chapel (SBC) mission conference in Soldotna, Alaska on January 17-21. Before the conference we went to Seldovia, Alaska to report and reunite again with our dear friends in one of our longest supporting church. We were there several days before going to the conference in Soldotna. Sarah got to fly for the first time in a 5 passenger plane, the weather was perfect, cold and gorgeous.

The conference was a wonderful blessing to us. We felt so loved. The church mission committee went out of their way to provide everything we could need or imagine. There were 20 different missions represented that the church supports who were able to attend. Also, many folks of the church came as well (SBC support other missionaries too who were unable to attend). The fellowship and becoming acquainted with other missionaries filled us with a glow that is still burning.



1. February 1st began our first team visiting time for 2019:

Pray for the teams in their preparation; for safety in travel and in physical labor; and for great blessing in their personal lives and in the lives of those they touch in Mexico.

First team of 2019 arrives February 1

2. NLM Board visiting:

A number of our board members have been here in Papalote for the past few day to serve. We praise the Lord for them and for their continuing support and prayers for the work here. Several of our board and staff team have been challenged with health concerns. Keep them in your prayers. God is our healer.

3. Chapultepec OX: New church kitchen; Elder care in new church facility:

Chalcatongo: Pastor Senen and Bernardita send their greetings and appreciation for your prayers and support for them and their ministry. God has been so good. The church has embarked on a small project of making a kitchen for the church. They are excited and it should be complete very soon. Their “kitchens” are not like ours but serve them well. Please pray for Senen and Berna as they are going through more sadness as families of abandoned elders accuse them of stealing from their parents. The enemy knows how to use discouragement of false accusations.

Years ago, it seemed that a house was opening up in Chalcatongo, as a place to care for the elderly. But the house was not available as Senen had been told. It is interesting to see how the Lord is now using the new church facility to bring in elderly under the care of Senen and Berna. Berna’s father is living with them (dementia). A neighbor lady who is blind desperately needs someone to love and care for her. She is going to live for two weeks in one of the upstairs classrooms in the church facility. Perhaps, God is giving this church a second purpose. Pray for Senen and Berna in this ministry at home.

4. Continue to pray with us about a second NLM base in Oaxaca

5. Mitla-Xaaga: People coming to Christ:

The power of the Holy Spirit is moving in Xaaga (zah-gah), 15 minutes from Mitla, Oaxaca. A town untouched by the Word of God is opening up their arms and lives to Jesus. Please pray for this work of the Mitla church. Weekly discipleship (evangelistic) studies, and now monthly prayer meetings.

6. Teaching seminary classes this month:

Please pray for me (Ilene) as I am in my first week of teaching a 2-week course on Evangelism at the Seminary. Don will be teaching The Gospels for two weeks following my class. Please be praying for Don also as he prepares.

7. Two seminary short-term mission trips planned for spring:

One to Vizcaino, Baja California for 1st & 2nd year students, and one to Xaaga, Oaxaca for 3rd year students. They began in November raising as many funds as they can by selling tamales and pizzas and having garage sales. The Lord will provide what they cannot raise. They are all very excited. Please pray for our students. Dwight Hires is leading the team to Vizcaino, and I and Pastor Javier will be leading the team to Xaaga.


The weather is cold at night and sunny and cool here in the day here… nevertheless, it is good to be “home”. We have a little wood stove that takes off the chill in the house and we love it.

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21

We are so grateful for those of you who contact us after reading newsletters with an encouraging word. Thank you all for your prayers and support. You are important partners.

Today, Pastor Diego messaged me with encouraging words saying, “We are completely sure that this is God’s Work (referring to the Oaxacan ministries) and therefore, it will never stop.”

En Su Servicio,

Ilene (and Don)


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