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Message from Ramon Ross Rubio

I completed my theological studies at the Baptist Biblical Institute in my hometown, then continued and finished in Hermosillo Sonora at the Luz y Vida Biblical Institute to complete a Bachelor of Theology; then a Bachelor's and Master's degree from Trinity; I am currently involved in a Doctorate in Religious Studies at the same institution. My affiliation with NLM makes me the founder of the Baja Biblical Seminary and Missions project together with the Nagles since 2005.

Una foto histórica de los Ross
A historic photo of the Ross Family

The Lord placed a burden on his heart for his work very early in my life. I experienced salvation at age 14 on April 19, 1983 and was called to the ministry shortly after being baptized on the resurrection day of 1985; By 1989 at the age of 19 I was already pastoring two small churches at the same time in the city of Mexicali in Baja California, this 2020 represents for my family 3 decades of pastoral ministry. The ministries in which I am involved at the moment are: Director of the Biblical Seminary Baja in Papalote Baja California Mexico, Professor of the Theological classes and others in the Seminary, Mexican Director of the local mission in Baja and Oaxaca, Missionary in NLM, Superintendent of the Free Methodist Conference at the Baja Conference, as well as being a student in the US for a PhD at Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary.

Graduation photo of Ramón Jr. together with the family.

  1. Work team in the construction of Mitla Oaxaca.

  2. Work team in the construction of Campeche

  3. You can forget a tool ... but the team will never forget the CAFECITO.

  4. Visiting as superintendent in the Church of Nayarit Mexicali.

  5. Pastors Erik and Betsabe

  6. Working with the conference team at the Luz y Vida camp in Tecate

  7. Ministering the Lupita Quinceañera

  8. Working with the conference team at the Luz y Vida camp in Tecate

  9. Ministering the Lupita Quinceañera

  10. Visiting with inmates Cesar and Mary

  11. A good opportunity to share a piece of bread with Leilani her daughter

  12. The church of Papalote praying to send Ramón Ross Jr. to the ministry in Oaxaca

  13. Leadership class at SBB premiering teacher, Samuel Méndez

The most difficult thing at the moment in my ministry is to balance time and opportunity ... to devote adequate attention to each of the tasks that my wife and I have.

Praying at the Chapultepec mission, Chalcatongo, Oaxaca

Prudence is highly valued in my culture; A tip will not always be well received if it is given without being asked ... however it will be highly demanded of the leader, if he did not appear at the time it was necessary ... Pray for grace for us Mexican leaders The denomination to which our church in Mexico belongs is going through a very dangerous theological environment that is characteristic of Mexican society and of recent times.

Conferencia de Misiones “La Estrategia de la Misión”

In addition to that we are pushing hard to plant new churches and prepare workers in a missionary context; At the same time we are in a crisis of lack of pastors in the established churches. The great problem is to focus on missions, without neglecting the already established churches, making very clear a living, healthy, biblical, theological context. In a positive way, I believe that our theological - missionary worldview; It has been an impact for the Mexican church under our influence; and it is easy to see that God is working among us, our plan is to plant new churches in new communities between the Mixtecos and Zapotecos of Oaxaca and the Multi-ethnic zones of Baja California Norte and Sur; We have a good group of students and we trust that God will provide those he is preparing to help us in the task of winning souls, preparing them, sending them, and working together for the planting of churches in the rural Mexican countryside.

Mission Conference "The Mission Strategy"

The specific needs of the ministries under my charge require different measures and vision:

  • As superintendent I am in the process of training new superintendents. In this case I have 4 pastors under observation in regional tasks; I hope that soon we can put one of them to take my place in this area

  • As Director of Missions in the local area, we have to coordinate and place each element in its right place. The call to missionary work comes from God and does not obey race, preferences, whims, academic level or talents. My desire is that each one fully comply and perform in the area to which God has called him.

  • As Seminary Director the concern at the moment is the recruitment of new teachers. With the immediate possibility of starting the SBB extension in Oaxaca, this need becomes more pressing.

  • The new teachers for Oaxaca are the same team that we are sending to Mitla: Esteban, Elvia, Ramón; that integrate Diego, Luz Elena, Marisol and Jesús. In Baja we have already used Julio, Javier and Samuel Méndez for the first time this year for 3 years. All except for Luz Elena and Julio Wido, graduates from our Seminary in Papalote.

  • Of course ... this year and the next 2 following we will push hard to plant 8 Churches in addition to formally establishing the extension of the seminary in Oaxaca. A clearly Missionary and Evangelistic vision for the denomination in the Northwest of Mexico, in addition to a condition of life and health in all the churches is our goal.

  • And finish my PhD this year as a personal goal.

Samuel and Carmen Méndez ... shepherd a church of the fundamental movement of the church of God. They were already pastoring when they decided to be SBB students, they graduated from our seminary 5 years ago. With at least 10 years of ministerial experience and with a family of 3 children ... they are among the brave who have decided to support with their experience the formation of new workers for the work of God. PRAY for Samuel and Carmen that God give you grace and health in the work you do.

THANKS TO ALL FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION AND SUPPORT IN REACHING THE GOALS ... !!! In the adventure of missionary work we all get involved as a team. Missionary work is done with the feet of those who go, the knees of those who pray, and the hands of those who give. "The Steps, Floors and Weights"

"Thank you for being part of this ... let us raise the banner of Jesus among all"


More workers for the harvest, determined and consecrated workers, health and protection for our missionaries, that God gives us many souls.


Atte. Ramón y Esther Ross


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