April 8, 2021
Dearest Friends, Family and Partners in Ministry –
On March 20, 2021 my dear wife, Ilene, went to be with the Lord Jesus. It is with great joy I make this announcement, as she is now interacting with believers from generations past and family that has gone before her. She is not suffering or in pain from her past life in this world. She has a new body and has been transformed awaiting the elect. With this hope we have no fear.
A tribute in the form of a newsletter can be found at this link (or, for a higher resolution version, please click here).
I Corinthians 15: 54-55, “Then, when our dying bodies have been transformed into bodies that will never die, this Scripture will be fulfilled: O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?”
Ilene Nagle's Celebration of Life Memorial took place on April 17, 2021 at 2pm (pacific time) and can be viewed through these links on YouTube and Facebook:
Don & Ilene Nagle's Youtube Channel
NLM Facebook Page:
To contribute to Ilene's memorial fund, please either give through "Give now with Givelify", or send gifts to Compassion Ministries to Northern Light Ministries, PO Box 215, Mill City, OR 97360.
We want to thank you so much for all your prayers, support and giving during this time.
In His Service,
Don Nagle and Jessica, Josh, Laurie, Linda and their families